Monday 24 July 2017

Bruce Drago MMA Workouts


  1. Eat less more often. Continually keeping your body away from a state of starvation promotes a higher metabolism. Higher metabolisms continually burn energy and in turn fat. Additionally, simply being more muscular boosts your body’s need to burn more energy.

    Choose Low Fat Alternatives. Think about it. If you’re not excessively adding fat to your diet then your body will have a better chance to burn what’s already built up.

    Eat Breakfast. Starting your day with good blood sugar levels will help keep your energy levels high throughout the day. Higher energy will burn more fat.

    Commit. If you’ve spent the past 5 or even 10 years letting yourself go and getting out of shape don’t expect results the next day. Commit to your program and monitor results, don’t obsess, don’t give up. Give yourself a chance.

    Bruce Drago MMA
    Bruce Drago MMA Workouts
    Bruce Drago MMA Fitness Workout
    Bruce Drago MMA Workout


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